Ceramic moulds
The Victorians just loved moulds. They had one for every occasion - and they weren't just for jellies and blancmanges. Some moulds portrayed hares, rabbits and other game and were used for savouries made from aspic. They were generally made from stoneware, earthenware and ironstone.
Popular designs included flowers and fruit, and the highly prized pineapple would often take pride of place. Castellated moulds would be filled with different coloured layers demonstrating the abilities of the Victortan cook before Chivers or Rowntrees made life simpler for us.
Our vintage favourites are the little individual ones with flowers or shells. The more aged they are the more character they have.
The deco twenties and thirties influenced shapes and geometics crept in as did glass and aluminium moulds.
If you need help selecting your mould please contact [email protected]
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