
Hot pot dishes View full size

Hot pot dishes

It is often thought that the hot pot was the pottery dish used to cook the meal rather than the meal itself. Mrs Beeton's Cookery Book at the end of the 19th century contains a recipe for hotch potch" calling for neck of mutton, onion, carrot, peas, cauliflower and lettuce.

The dish we're more familiar with is Lanacashire hot pot with lamb and onions covered by sliced potato and cooked very slowly until tender with brown and crispy potato. Indeed it is immortalised in Coronation Street as Betty's hot pot named after the Rover's barmaid Betty Turpin.

All our hot pot dishes are treacle glazed and sturdy enough for long, slow cooking in the oven or on a range or log burner.

They come in a variety of sizes from individual to ones large enough for five or even six people.

We have more hot pot dishes in our Pearsons range.

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